Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Many call me , meet me saying that I have to visit my past life because of a certain kind of problem that I am having in my personal, business, professional, relationships and only past life can help me.

Is this right or wrong?

Now we are not here to say right or wrong but to make you aware of something that is very much important for everyone of us.

Many problems, solutions in this life time that one is in can be very much from this life time and it is not that the cause may be from the past lives. One thing is very important and crucial, that is the approach towards a problem.

What do you think that you can approach a problem better?

Just think for a moment.

Some options are..

How the similar kind of problem, situation, challenge been handled earlier?
Read some books have some fair ideas and try
Trail and error
Ask some one how they had handled and apply the same
handle it then and there as and when it is there
just avoid
become hostile


Analyse, plan, choosing the best strategy from choices available and make a logical decision

NOW, if you had opted for the last answer then guess you are aware enough.

I am not speaking of spiritual path of realization as in that case there is no need for handling problem as there is complete surrender to the divine and complete communion with the existence we are completely ready to the whole experience as we had very much aware and prepared. But the problem in itself come from the way one wants to live their life just by getting rid of something ( problem, challenges) that is stopping their day to day life.

Because of many kind of information available now a days it is very much important for one to understand to not jump into a decision with a conviction that only past life has it all.

Yes you are what you are is because of your past KARMAS or deeds that you had done, experienced and gone through.

Now it has become very important to create an awareness that use Past Life Regression when you had done with tools, therapies and methods that is available now..Remember that PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY is very much scientific therapeutical method where deep level work is worked on and before going through ask few questions like.

What is the need?
Whether did I explored other methods that would have helped me to sole the problem at hand in simpler and easier way
Therapist and their work is very crucial in this - check it up

As for many long years we had been educating all in Past Lives and Spirit Release, Now it is very important for all to become aware when to use what.

Remember it is not infatuation but a very serious approach of betterment of SELF.

Past Life Regression and Therapy helps your SOUL grow, nurture and evolve.

Past Life Regression Therapist & Trainer,
Spirit Release Therapist & Trainer,
Clinical Hypnotherapis & Trainer,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Samskara and Samsara

  Samsara and Samskara both are sanskrit word, Samsara means worldly and those who are living a worldly life with family, friends giving and taking from them then s//he is called SAMSARI. Samskara mean impression of experience experienced in ones life. Samsari who going through the experience undergo a pain and pleasure emotionally and which finally lead to feelings within. This impression gets carried of in their life unconsciously day by day, moment by moment.

One can question what does this samskara do?

When the experiencer is good in state where one thinks S/HE has the ability to handle anything and everything the experiencer treats the experience one is going through in the most easier way that is positive, productive, learning, encouraging.

If the state of mind is less confident, with low self image, self worth, fear, anger, anxious, want to prove etc then  the experience is processed by the experience with the layer of mental constructs clouded by emotions there by leading to the outcome which might be negative, non productive, non convincing, painful, worse, creating more fear, anger, more anxious of future because of cumulative experience of the past.

If the state of mind is over confident with bloated self image then even a small experience favorable is amplified to such a magnitude that extra colours, sounds, feelings are added and multiplied several times and is stored in.

All the above are the experience that the experiencer goes through and this gets stored as samskaras - impression in mind. Most importantly almost all the samskaras those get resolved in ones life time does not get carried forward to next life time. Only the unresolved impression of experience as samskaras are carried forward to future life times. Even in the same life time the resolved samskaras of self, situation, with others are carried till it gets resolved by oneself.

We are look out for the problem to be resolved by others, situation, environment etc. This does not get resolved until you are ready to work with it and solve it. The moment this is done means you had released and you had learnt to handle the situation that is convincingly mutually respectable, creating WIN - WIN for every one around. Till this moment one escapes , avoids the moments, situations, people or just get into the same kind of situation and unconscious to use their discriminatory faculty to get out the best possible choices of outcomes.

The best solution is LETTING GO, DISSOCIATE and be a WITNESS, being in the MOMENT etc.

Remember impression carry charge and it creates such an bonding that the illusion created by mind is perceived to be not only true but also get into the same illusory perception and create more and more of the same.

Decide today about your samskaras and start becoming aware of these to work with these. If you dont do it today then tomorrow might become the next life time.

Past Life Regression Therapist & Teacher,
Life Between Life Therapist & Teacher,
Spirit Releasement Therapist & Teacher. , .